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芭蕾舞剧 Anastasia 安娜斯塔西娅 Osipova 英皇/2016年 真正50G
实际容量:(咨询特价)G 时长:01:(咨询特价)
Royal Ballet Principal Natalia Osipova dances the title role in Kenneth MacMillan’s haunting ballet, to atmospheric music by Tchaikovsky and Martinu. Anastasia tells the story of Anna Anderson who, following the Russian Revolution and the murder of the royal family, claimed she was the surviving Grand Duchess Anastasia.
Many believed her to be an imposter; others hoped she was Anastasia, a remnant of a lost world. A powerful, psychological challenge for the lead dancer, Anastasia explores one of the great historical mysteries of the 20th century, only recently solved, and the distorting mirror of memory, time and place.
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最近销售:最近30天售出7 掌柜:知呼蜇谒¥0 元
最近销售:最近30天售出7 掌柜:知呼蜇谒¥0 元